Way To Choose The Right Medical Specialist For Healthcare
You’d think people would put as much time and energy into finding the right medical specialist as they devote to buying a new car or choosing a vacation destination. Choosing the right doctor can mean the difference between receiving quality medical attention and getting treatment that doesn’t quite make the grade. Unfortunately, most of us know more about picking produce at the supermarket than about selecting a competent health care provider.
Make sure your provider is in-network. Most health plans contract with a specific list of doctors and hospitals. You will pay much less to see one of those providers, called “in-network” for insurance purposes. You can find out if a provider is in-network by contacting your health plan or calling your doctor’s office.
Another sign you’ve found a doctor who’s a keeper? You leave the office feeling heard, and like your questions were answered. Doctors spend an average of 13 to 16 minutes per patient. That’s not much time with someone you only see once a year. “When the right fit is found, patients should leave the appointment satisfied that their questions were addressed with patience, sincerity, and candor.
How long must you wait for an appointment after you call? Can you be seen on the same day if you have an urgent need? If you call with a question about your care, does a doctor or nurse return the call promptly?
Consider reviews and recommendations. You might feel more comfortable visiting a doctor who is recommended by someone you know. Ask around. And visit the Community Checkup to see how their medical group or clinic compares on quality and patient experience.